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RAILA ODINGA in more TROUBLE as FRANKLIN BETT wants to dump him for RUTO’s URP


News just in indicates that Roads Minister Franklin Bett is warming to ditch the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) for William Ruto’s United Republican Party (URP).

 According to a credible source close to the MP, Bett has been pressurised by his constituents to join Ruto’s bandwagon or be shelved in March 4th general election.

The source said, Bett who is also the Bureti MP has tried to market ODM party in South Rift but he has met stiff resistance from William Ruto’s supporters who have remained defiant on accepting Prime Minister Raila Odinga‘s Presidential quest.

The move comes barely hours after his Bomet counterpart Beatrice Kones officially dumped ODM to URP.
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