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CITIZEN TV’s Jacque Maribe and DENNIS ITUMBI caught on camera enjoying deep HOT KISSES...ARE THEY INLOVE?


Citizen TV’s Jacque was caught on camera while in a deeeeeep passionate kiss with top blogger, Statehouse Director of Digital media and Uhuru’s apostle Dennis Itumbi at a private party!

Yes, even after securing the top job at statehouse Dennis Itumbi still maintains his network of friends from the Afred Mutua press room.

The hot Jacque Maribe is Citizen TV’s political reporter and has had a few exclusives including one with President Uhuru at Statehouse. Ms Maribe has also covered the country’s top politicians including CORD leader Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto among others, this makes her one of the most ‘successful’ female journalists in Kenya.
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