Ambira High School in Ugunja District, Siaya County loses after property worth 3 million was destroyed last night in an inferno which grounded down a dormitory. Africa News Post leant from the school principal Barnabas Omondi Wanga that the fire broke out at around 7.15 Pm while the students were attending evening preps. Learning had to be cut short after the students decided to take risk in trying to salvage their belongings. The Principal said that the fire had overwhelmed the students and local community members who were trying to put it off.
The principal added that out of the 94 students that were sharing the burnt dormitory, 28 successfully managed to save their belongings while the rest 68 students lost everything from the deadly inferno.
Siaya acting Governor, George Okode, said that he was going to approach the Kenya Red-Cross to help provide emergency assistance to the school.