Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Presidential bid received a major blow on Tuesday, after a Mombasa politician Nazlin Omar filed a petition in court stopping any person whose integrity has ever been questioned.
Omar says that the PM should be barred from seeking any elective post because he hasn’t passed the integrity test.
The PM is accused of nepotism, grabbing the land on which the Molasses Kisumu plant stands and working as a lecturer at University of Nairobi without having clear academic credentials.
“He (Odinga) did not undertake and formally complete primary school education in Kenya and does not have a valid certificate to that effect. He has not stated or shown that he ever completed that stage,” the petition reads
Omar also listed the names of Raila’s sisters and relatives whom he allegedly helped to secure jobs in government.
Among those he is alleged to have helped get appointments are Dr Wenwa Akinyi Odinga who is Kenya's consul general in Los Angeles, Beryl Achieng Odinga who was appointed chairperson of the Kenya Railways Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme board and Elkana Odembo who is Kenya’s ambassador to the US.