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This is How UHURU'S Cabinet Secretary and 2 City Lawyers Tried to BRIBE these 3 Supreme Court Judges but failed Terribly. (SEE SHOCKING REVELATIONS)


 joined either side leading to a 3 to 3 deadlock. Chief Justice David Maraga and Lady Justice Philomena Mwilu had already decided that the process matters more than the outcome and as such affected the credibility of the elections.

Justice Wanjala's decision to rule in favor of Raila Odinga is reported to have been informed by the level of criticism against the 2013 ruling.

Since Justice Mohammed Ibrahim had been taken ill, the focus by the Jubilee-affiliated officials turned to get Justice Isaac Lenaola to get him to vote in favor of President Kenyatta's win. Former Law Society of Kenya CEO Apollo Mboya told the Nation that it was Justice Lenaola who titled the decision. “Had he allowed himself to be influenced, we would have ended up with a tie among the judges which would have meant that the results as declared by IEBC on August 11 stand," stated Mr Mboya.

According to The Standard all the parties were notified about the historic ruling a day before. “We knew we were done in by Thursday evening.

There was no point (of turning up at Supreme Court),” a Jubilee operative who participated in the process and who kept off the court told Sunday Standard.

The minority commenced on writing their dissenting briefs as midnight approached. A major concern by a majority of the judges was the effect of them not delivering a full judgment the following day.
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SEE ALSO: Chief Justice MARAGA starts behaving like PRESIDENT a day after he nullified UHURU‘s win- See what he did on Saturday
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