"There are only three queries that won’t generate search results on Google…The exact day of Jesus’ second coming, answers to your prayers and lastly,Sheila Mwanyigha’s age. Now, lemmi tell y’all something about Sheila…When I was a boy our Sunday School teacher told us that Moses parted theRed Sea, and I swore to myself that my only mission in life would be to partSheila Mwanyigha’s legs, and if that happened I’d have done my duty onEarth.. Y ep, she was hot like that! Getting a husband wouldn’t have been a hustle for her, but she never made itpast engaged. We’ll see why shortly… Sheila is not the only bad bitchapproaching menopause without a husband.. If you look around you’llnotice that most of the single ladies over 30 were the baddest bitches in their20s. They form the bulk of bitter single mums who thought their looks wouldcount for something but still reeling with shock coz the only thing their phatasses got them were huge dicks, not wedding bands n’shit.Most of the bad bitches can’t come up with three reasons a nigga should bewith them outside of their looks and pussy. But their looks and pussy get oldquicker coz that’s all they got to of er! These pretty women think they don’thave to do shit but look pretty… That might be cool for like a weekend butwhat are we gonna eat, bitch? If you can’t do dishes coz you don’t want totouch dirt, then being a bridesmaid is the closest you’ll ever get to amarriage."Whats your view on this opinion?
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ukweli usemwe...miaka ishampita
i support your opinion, now who will marry a reject? she's been rejected by men all this time something must be wrong with her
whats your problem? Let her be
enyewe ni wanaume wangapi wamepitia hizo vitu zake? itakuwa hasara kwangu pia
Najua wanaume wanajifanya hapa lakini akaseme anataka sahi line itakuwa kubwa sana...kwanza wenye wanataka pesa zake
wacheni ujinga admin
What and how does she bother you? She is not your daughter or sister! The only thing that bothers me in the world is whether you are born gain or not because if you are not, you will never see the kingdom of God. If you think someone is not right, make sure yourself you are right first and then pray for that person! Period.
And God is the giver of husbands and wifes, you are not the author of marriages and you have no say in these, only God has a say. Stop talking loose about other people because it may turn back to you!
who said she wants to get married?
So much bull. This guy clearly is hurt and you think your mental issues will be sorted by downgrading Sheila? You will never be in her leagues and you are right about one thing. YOU will never marry her. God will give her a man when her time comes. And by the way, Sheila Mwanyiga I highly respect her. she is beautiful inside and out. Get used to it.
Who told you she wants to get married. People talk about marriage as if it was a degree or something that every woman has to attain.
rubbish.get a life.
very true coz the only thing men look from a pretty lady is to spread her legs n thats all...
To me Sheila is under 16. Wenye wivu wajinyonge
Why hit at Sheila? She her life, and let her live the way it suits her best.
If it offering her body to men, and that makes her happy, so be it. How many women do that?
Men also need women like Sheila to help them relieve stress. Some wives are so stressful, and women like Sheila come in handy.
sheila mwanyigah is young n pretty. h8ers walk away already