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RAILA: It's Not All Gloom for ICC Suspects


Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has praised ODM chairman Henry Kosgey saying he is a leader with a firm stand.

“I came to Kosgey’s home last year and the late Kogo (Kosgey’s mother) gave me a gourd while Kosgey gave me a heifer, which is still at this home and has already calved,” stated Raila. He caused laughter during the ceremony when he said that Kosgey now owes him the milk they have consumed from the pedigree heifer.

Over the ICC issue, Raila said Kosgey had a problem and that because of prayer, he is free, adding that everything will also be good for the three Kenyans facing charges.

Leadership baton

Raila was accompanied by Senators Johnstone Muthama (Machakos), James Orengo (Siaya) and ODM director Magerer Langat.

Jubilee leaders included area MP Alfred Keter, Alex Kosgey, Cornelly Serem, Julius Melly, Oscar Sudi and Nandi deputy governor Dominic Biwot and president’s political advisor Joshua Kutuny and former nominated MP Ezekiel Barngetuny were present. Most of the leaders who spoke described Kosgey as their political mentor because he served as Tinderet MP for over 30 years.

Kutuny, who arrived at the function after Raila had left, said they, in Jubilee, would hold talks with Kosgey and Uasin Gishu politician Jackson Kibor to work as a team.

Raila flew to the function and left early because he had to travel to the US later in the day.

“Elections are over and we should not view how people voted. We want to teamwork with Kosgey who can also be given a post to chair something,” said Kutuny amid cheers.

He said it is good to be in the government, saying he wanted Kosgey to work with the system.

And in reference to Raila, Kutuny said: “Uhuru will serve for 10 years then deputy president William Ruto another 10. Anyone else who wants the presidency may wait until 2032”.

Sudi said as Rift Valley leaders, they want to be united and speak in one voice.

And Kosgey, who was the last to speak said he once campaigned for Kutuny in Cherangany and also knew Murkomen during a campaign rally in Marakwet and noted their leadership potentials.

“We have left the leadership baton to the current elected leaders. Tunawaunga mikono viongozi wa sasa, (We support you and the leadership baton is firmly with you),” said Kosgey.

Over the ICC issue, Kosgey said he relied on prayer from family, clerics and Kenyans and called for prayer for Uhuru and Ruto.

During the function, the Jubilee senators Kipchumba Murkomen, Linturi and Bomet governor Isaac Ruto said elected leaders should play their roles: “Senators should play their roles by protecting counties at national government. They should also respect governors as CEOs of counties”.

Ruto said he would remain firm in pressing for disbursement of more funds to the counties to ensure Kenyans benefit from quality services.

Murkomen said they were not in any competition with governors, saying they have had good consultations. “We know our roles and will protect devolution and counties. We are law makers and will play our roles and are not looking for executive roles,” said Linturi.

The leaders also called on the Sarah Serem-led, Salaries and Remuneration Committee to listen to members of County Assemblies and offer them pay increase.

Raila challenged the government to fully implement the devolved system of governance to liberate Kenyans and achieve development.

He spoke during the funeral ceremony of Elizabeth Sambai Tapkeron Moek, 92, the mother of ODM chairman Henry Kosgey and also grandmother to Emgwen MP Alex Kosgey, which was also attended by several Jubilee Alliance leaders.

Moek was laid to rest at her Lelwak home in Nandi Hills constituency in Nandi County. Tharaka Nithi Senator Kindiki Linturi delivered a message of condolence from President Uhuru Kenyatta.

- The Standard

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