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Toddler Genius; Two-year-old With an IQ higher than Barack Obama and David Cameron’s (PHOTOS)


Toddler Genius Adam Kirby

Toddler Genius Adam: According to reports 95 percent of the world’s population scores an IQ between 70 and 130 meaning there are very few persons with an IQ above 130. Amazingly one person who falls under that bracket of ‘the very few’ with an IQ above 130 is young Adam Kirby who is only two-years of age.
Adam scored 141 in an IQ test beating British Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama by a full 10 points. This has made him the youngest member of Mensa, the society for the brainiest two per cent of people in the world. The toddler was discovered by Mensa and requested his membership in the elite group after showing an exceptional ability to read Shakespeare and understand Japanese, Spanish and French.
At 29 months, the toddler can spell 100 words and had mastered both his times tables up to 10 and the periodic table of chemical elements.

The toddler’s father, Mr Kirby, an IT consultant from  Mitcham, South London, said: ‘Adam’s abilities are outstanding and we’ve been actively  developing his intelligence since he was 10 weeks old – but we’re certainly  delighted for him”.
He added that “Adam’s abilities are outstanding. While most children are just learning to stand up or crawl, Adam was reading books. His development was mind-blowing quick…We used to show him cards with the words hippopotamus and rhinoceros on them and he could identify the right animals most of the time.”
Mensa CEO John Stevenage said: “We look forward to Adam joining and expect him to have a very bright future.”
Adam has become one of the 19th UK child ever to join Mensa before even going to school.
Adam Kirby
Toddler Genius Adam Kirby and Family
Mensa was founded in England in 1946 by  Roland Berrill, a barrister, and Dr Lance Ware, a scientist and lawyer.
The society welcomes people from every walk  of life whose IQ is in the top two per cent of the population.
Albert Einstein apparently had an IQ of 160,  while former US presidents Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and Bill Clinton  also racked up very high IQs – mustering 128, 160 and 137  respectively.
Napoleon Bonaparte scored 145 and Sigmund  Freud had a score of 156.
There are currently more than 1,000 members  of Mensa aged under 18.
Children under the age of 10-and-a-half can  join Mensa by submitting prior evidence of their IQ score being in the top two  per cent.
Adults and children over the age of  10-and-a-half, take the Mensa Supervised IQ Test.
The youngest person to ever join British  Mensa was Elise Tan Roberts in 2009 aged 2 years and four  months…culled from

+ comments + 1 comments

4 July 2013 at 17:26

Thank you for your interest in Adam. You can see his clips on YouTube:

We will be releasing a book soon to let other parents know how we did this. If you subscribe to the channel then you will receive a message once the book is available

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