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Uhuru's victory welcomed in Western Kenya


Residents of Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi’s Vihiga County have welcomed the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as Kenya’s fourth president.

They received the news of his election with neutrality with some expressing optimism in his leadership.

It was business as usual in major towns in the county, with residents opting to maintain peace throughout the day, as they waited patiently for IEBC chair to announce the final tally.

However, some traders complained of low customer turnout as most people were glued to their TV screens following the events at the national tallying centre in Nairobi and people’s reactions.

“The people of Kenya have spoken and whether they voted for a president who lost, it is our turn now to trust in the leadership of the one who has been elected,” said Samuel Mugare, a teacher.

State officers and other leaders remained mum on the issue, as they waited eagerly to see whatever was going to happen after IEBC declared Uhuru president-elect.

Bridging gap

“If he will lead the country well without favouring one region over the other, we accept his leadership fully,” said Abubakar Wandala Suleiman, the secretary-general of Muslim Educational Secretariat in Western.

The people were confident the president-elect would usher in instantaneous changes that he had promised during his campaigns.

“We hope for the best to come from him bearing in mind he is still young and with greater visions for the country,” Mama Margaret Kadenyeka, a farmer, said.

On Friday, Mudavadi conceded defeat having seen that he could not win as the race had shaped up as between Raila Odinga and Uhuru, with the latter eclipsing the former.

Many people praised Mudavadi’s move terming it as brave.

“Mudavadi has done what many Luhyas have failed to do in the past, which is a show of his strength and humility. He will be ready to rule the country come 2017,” said senator-elect George Khaniri.
  -The Standard

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