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Plans to swear in UHURU KENYATTA begin as Kasarani Stadium is LOCKED DOWN


It's reported that a security blanket has been thrown over Kasarani stadium as plans are put in place to swear in Uhuru Kenyatta as Kenya’s fourth President on the 26th of March, provided of course that CORD’s election petition fails to succeed.

Head of Public Relations at the stadium Rakki Asman said that all the planned events at the stadium, including training sessions by the national football team Harambee Stars, have been put on hold;
“We have cancelled all activities including training for Harambee Stars; the swearing in takes precedence over any other event,” he said.

On Monday, the stadium was swamped by security personnel and public works staff charged with getting the stadium into shape for the big day. Word is that the stadium is due to get a mini-refurbishment before the 26th of March.
Asman said that his office is working with the swearing in committee to make sure that everything is in place;

“We are liaising with the committee on assumption to the office of the President on what needs to be done and when,” he said.

Head of the Civil Service, Francis Kimemia who is also chairing the assumption committee said that a schedule on the transition process would be released by Friday;

“We will give a schedule on how the transition will move from the outgoing to the incoming President. This will be released to the media on Friday,” he said.
source:The Kenyan DAILY POST

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