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Uhuru assures on sanctions


Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta has urged Kenyans not to worry about the possibility of sanctions being slapped on Kenya should he win the presidency.

Uhuru, who is facing crimes against humanity charges at International Criminal Court (ICC), said it would not be possible for the international community to slap sanctions on Kenya, as UN Security Council did not refer the cases to The Hague-based court. “These cases weren’t referred to ICC by the UN Security Council, which gives sanctions, it is a self-referral case,” said Uhuru.

However, lawyer Willis Otieno said while it is true UN did not refer the Kenyan cases to the court, imposition of sanctions is dependent on individual countries.

“Various countries have their policies when it comes to dealing with ICC suspects, so it would be upon the nations to decide whether to stop dealing with those facing charges at The Hague. But the fact that the case was not referred to ICC by the UN does not stop individual countries from imposing some sanctions, economic or otherwise,” said Otieno, who works with Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa.

His co-accused William Ruto on his part did not comment on their ICC cases.

credit: standard digital

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