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Do away with nominated MPs as they serve no useful purpose


Allow me to join the debate on nominated MPs that was triggered by Anderson Omoto of Kakamega.

Democracy is only exercised by the people themselves or through their elected representatives.
If one therefore purports to represent the people and yet he or she is not elected by the people then, as other schools of thought have pointed out, the taxpayers’ money is simply being wasted on fake representation.

Drafters of the Constitution did their best to include clauses that were intended to instil discipline within political parties.

However, they overlooked the fact that nomination of MPs could be used for the interest of the “party owners” at the expense of the electorate. This featured prominently in the recently conducted party primaries where the will of the people was not respected by the parties.

Nomination of women to Parliament has also raised eyebrows due to a trend where there seems to be preference for single women as opposed to married ones. The big question is: Could these women be mistresses of the party “owners” and are simply nominated to Parliament so that the taxpayer foots the bill for upkeep?

These positions must be done away with — now.


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