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Cord officially launches campaigns


Cord presidential candidate Raila Odinga and his running mate Kalonzo Musyoka on Wednesday oficially launched their campaigns ahead of the March 4 general election.

The party officially flagged off vehicles to the counties countrywide in a function held at Uhuru Park in Nairobi, just hours after the two were cleared by IEBC for the race to statehouse.

The Alliance comprises Ford-K, ODM, Wiper Democratic Movement, Tip Tip, and CCU.

Speaking during the event, Cord’s majority leader Moses Wetangula asked Kenyans to vote for leaders who will positively transform the country.

Raila’s running mate Kalonzo Musyoka said he believed Kenya will conduct peaceful elections, in a much needed show of democracy.

He added that in no way should Kenyans be used to divide the country on ethnic grounds.

While addressing the crowd, Raila Odinga emphasized that the coalition is in search for change.

Concerning land, Raila asked aspirants who own vast tracts of land to distribute part of it to the many landless Kenyans in the country.

The presidential hopeful said that his government will ensure there is a reformed police service, adding that he wants to the police impostor meet Joshua Waiganjo.

“We would want to see that every Kenyan feels secure wherever they,” said Raila.

He said that the country needs police who will service Kenyans but not rule them.

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