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Transport Minister Amos Kimunya's Fate after TNA Polls Uncertain


A dispute over ballots in Kipipiri constituency has placed the political future of Transport Minister Amos Kimunya in uncertainty.

The results have not been announced after ballot boxes from two polling stations were intercepted by supporters of Kimunya’s main opponent Samuel Gichigi, a lawyer and long-time aide of the minister.

Reports say the dispute arose after the vehicle ferrying the boxes failed to ferry agents of the aspirants to ensure veracity of the ballots. The ballots are said to be from two of Gichigi’s strongholds.

The tension prompted police intervention to secure the ballot boxes as rowdy mobs threatened to lynch the driver. The driver fled the scene.

Those who intercepted the vehicle say the ballots had been tampered with.

The matter is now set for determination by the party’s dispute tribunal.

“I cannot determine the winner without the results from the two polling stations since the elections were highly contested,” the returning officer Isaac Kung’u Kung’u told journalists.

The other contestant in the race was former area lawmaker Mwangi Githiomi.

By the time the dispute arose, there were results in from 65 out of the 67 polling stations.

A number of people were arrested over the chaos that ensured and are due in court. - Capital News


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