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BREAKING NEWS: The Late Chris Msando's Suspected Killer set free


The High Court has set free a suspect who was in custody over the murder of former ICT Manager at the IEBC Chris Msando.

Andrew Kipkoech Rono was released on Monday after the prosecution failed to provide enough grounds for his further detention. Rono was arraigned at the Milimani Law Courts last week on allegations of sending threatening text messages to Msando.
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Mr Rono was arrested at his place of work at KenGen Headquarters in Nairobi's Parklands on August 15. A Sergeant at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, Nicholus ole Sena, stated that during the arrest, police recovered a mobile phone that was used to send threatening messages to Msando prior to his death.
The High Court ordered that the 60-year-old be detained for seven days pending the hearing of the matter.
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