the country. In Kenya, a tribe’s ambition is indirectly proportional to the available land: the less the land, the more the ambition. The land situation in Kisii is so grave that they cannot find a place to sink a grave, much less a pit latrine.
Therefore, they must be doubly overambitious. That should explain our invasion of Nairobi’s matatu sector. Recently, a friend told me that Kisii men dominate the rackets that bootleg electricity, water and satellite TV in the city’s slums. Now, the illegality of that notwithstanding, the entire Kenyan enterprise is a racket, it shows how ambitious we are. I know women treasure ambition, that makes Mogaka and Momanyi ideal husbands for you.
ALSO SEE: INTERESTING DIFFERENCES BETWEEN KIKUYU MEN AND LUO MEN...NO. 4 & 6 ARE SOO TRUE SEE HEREThirdly, a Kisii man will protect you. Our temper is venomous and we can be overprotective. This stems from the medieval times, soon as we settled in the Kisii highlands having arrived from Gabon. We soon learned that we were surrounded by hostile and warprone Nilotic neighbours the Luos, Maasais and Kalenjins. Things have changed and we enjoy a cordialneighbourliness, save for around the election period.
We grew up ready to defend our women and children. That is why we are so quick with fists and occasionally with machetes. You cannot touch a Kisii man’s mother, wife or children. That is like courting death.
Fourth, ironically, some women find us to...continue reading next page>>>
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