When former Prime Minister Raila Odinga exadvisor, Miguna Miguna, appeared on Jef Koinage Live (JKL) on KTN early this year, he said President Uhuru Kenyatta might not retain his office next year because he would probably be booted home next year. Miguna said “If President Uhuru Kenyatta does not do something radical and I mean radical, blood must flow and must flow quite rapidly and he will not see State House again.
That is a fact “ When Jeff Koinange asked if he is implying President Uhuru Kenyatta will only be a one term president he said, “his reelection will depend on whether or not he fights corruption, not development or other things. It is about corruption which is sucking up most of the development money.” Miguna’s words seemed to be a prophecy since corruption seems to be that one thing that will make Uhuru a one term President in 2017. Most Kenyans both Jubilee and CORD supporters have now ganged up against Uhuru and asked him to act or go to Gatundu in 2017. Kenyans accuse Uhuru of...
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