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EXTREMELY SAD STORY: Behind TPF Principal ACHIENG ABURA’s smile, there was alot of pain & suffering, before her DEATH, Just read this.


…. wasn’t as crazy as people get today, but I was pretty crazy. But the difference is, I knew I was doing something wrong. I just kind of kept on going and feeling guilty. But one thing that has always been my pillar in life is my son. When I go out there, I always remember that I want my son to be proud of me and so that has helped me a lot. You’ll find people saying a lot of things, but you won’t find them saying crazy things about me.

  Do you still drink?

I do. But once in two or three months like when a friend comes from far and buys a good quality brandy and we have a third of the bottle and we’re like “really?! We’ve done it.”

So you’re a brandy girl?

I’m a brandy girl. Good quality brandy. But once in awhile. I don’t judge anyone for drinking. It’s what you do after you drink.
What’s your take on this new cool, hip gospel music, you know the type they play in clubs?

I have no problem with it as such. I believe that if it’s gotten audience and it speaks to that audience and making a difference, it has a right to be there. But I have to say one thing, if you have been watching TV lately, they’ve got this advert where Rihanna is doing “work work work work work work” (Laughs) You know I laugh until I want to cry because I’m asking myself, she went to the studio and said, hey we’ve got a hit, “Work work work work work work”. For me I want the new singers not to get too cheap, to make music so easy.

But people like that kind of music.

Well whatever it is, it clearly is something like I would be doing to do vocal training. Like “Everybody work work work” I’m not going to put that in a song! So I have questions about the quality of some of the music.
Do you sing in the shower?
Not that often, I have my piano here, singing time is singing time. I’m not heavy about singing in the shower. I’ve actually never thought about that. When I sing here the whole compound can hear. My voice is huge!

Does your piano have a name?

Heh! That’s a new one. (Pause) You’ve challenged me. I have never given my piano a name! It was a gift from my parents for performing well in school. I have had it since I was 12. I think it was bought from a missionary! So who knows how old it could be?

But let me put it this way, I’ve had it for 40 years, plus. A classic piano. Yes, but it’s a classic with ivory. Yeah, this, (Laughs) this is not a joke. What I have here, this is the real deal.
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