Extensive research needs to be done on why a society needs und3'rwear. Certainly it’s not to shore up the fortunes of the cotton industry. To be specific, do women need to walk around wearing any ng0tha?
A ng0th@less d@'msel is not one in distress as one told me: “The feeling is breathtaking,” stretching her arms wide as she lets off a sigh. “You know,” she continued, “This is how our fore mothers did it. They didn’t have p@'nties. And that was life. ‘D0wnstairs’ was aerated, in constant inter phase with air.”
We posed this question to Dr Dorothy Gwajima, the assistant director of curative services, Ministry of Health in Tanzania. She composes herself and offered: “That’s hard to answer. No research has been done on it. But hygiene comes automatically – depending on many factors.”
She argued, a woman who works in the office and one who works at home may need different ways of keeping hygiene. The same would apply to one who works in a busy environment that demands lots of energy.
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