3. Dating a Celebrity Is Not Easy
From the busy schedules, to their phone ringing at odd hours, to the hordes of fawning admirers to the pesky paparazzi, dating a TV girl is not always easy. Something which may put off some people.
4. Fear of Your Nu''des Leaking To the Internet
Nothing trashes a TV girl’s career quite like a slew of saucy nu''des. TV girls like Anita Fabiola and Kleith Kyatuhaire’s jobs were in jeopardy as soon after their nu''des leaked.
The people behind their leaks were people they once loved, their boyfriends who leaked their unclo'thed photos online after their break-up.
And the worst part is that your photos can leak to the internet and maybe you have not posed for them;someone may have set up a camera in their house or worse taken photos of you in the nu''de while you are asleep!
5. Their Spouses Can Get Insecure
From the crowds of admirers to the unwanted d1'ck pics, to rumors of r0mantic liaisons with politicians, their spouses may be consumed with thoughts of them cheating.
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