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9. On getting a son and losing a mother
“I joined the church believing God will surely help me. For a moment, everything seemed positive.”

Storm clouds started to gather again when she realised that she was pregnant with her son, Amani.

“The sad memories of the death of my daughter reoccurred. Consequently, I was buried in deep thoughts. I wondered if I’d make a good mother, and if I’d get married afterwards. My relationship with my baby daddy wasn’t good at that time. The period was a turbulent one for me.”

“My mother also fell sick around that time. She was diagnosed with colon cancer and she needed financial support. I was unable to support her as I had just delivered Amani.”

“Sadly mum passed away on August 8, 2007. It was a big blow! I wish she was alive to see me read news on TV today.”

Like most mothers, Kanze questions if she is the best parent for her kid. Her 10-year-old son, however, tells her that she is the best mother on earth.

“He tells me: “Mummy, you are the best mum ever!”

“That statement melts my heart! When he wakes up, he comes to my room, greets me and inquires about my health. Amani then hugs me, and tells me he loves me. That has made me feel strengthened.”

10. How she landed a job at KBC…
Kanze Dena studied Journalism and Mass Communication at Foundation College of Professional Studies.

She got her first job at Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) as a radio presenter shortly after completing her internship.

“One day I was going to read 4pm radio news, and there was someone who did not show up to read the television bulletin. In the process of rushing to the radio studios, the TV news producer saw me and asked me to anchor the 4pm bulletin. They handed the radio bulletin to another person – DJ Ali.”

“It was my first day on TV; I did not know matters make up or grooming for TV… Actually, I was kind of a tomboy.”

“I read the news, and afterwards the boss called me. I had blundered a bit, but he told me that from that day henceforth I’d be reading 4pm news on TV. I was later promoted to reading 7pm bulletin alongside Badi Muhsin; I owe a lot to him.”

“I remember the first time we went on air as a pair, my voice failed me – I had panicked. It came out with a shriek. Badi read the lead story; and when we took a commercial break, he told me: ‘Nini bana, nini wewe waniangusha? Soma! Mimi hapa wazungumza nami, hebu waeleze wakenya jinsi unavyonieleza… imagine uko chumbani mwako wapiga gumzo.’”

“After that I gained confidence and he mentored me all the way; from 2003 to around 2006 at the KBC. I joined Citizen TV in March 2007.”

11. Has she overcome her insecurities?
“Even now, I don’t believe that I am beautiful. People send compliments, but the damage had been done – I had already told myself I am not beautiful. I don’t have the legs that other girls have; I don’t have the posture that all the other beautiful girls have… I am definitely not that ultimate beauty! However, I appreciate that people perceive me to be beautiful,” concludes Kanze.

Despite her confession, Kanze is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women ever to grace local television.

She is tall, curvaceous and graceful. More importantly, she has a brilliant mind, a big heart and a strong soul.
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