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Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale was held in a Kapsabet police station after being involved in an accident in which sources reveal one person was killed.

The Senator’s vehicle is said to have hit a pedestrian who died instantly. The great senator was being driven to Kitale when the incident occurred- he immediately reported the matter to Kapsabet Police Station. As per the law the driver is required to record a statement and vehicle must be inspected and later follow up with the courts and insurance companies.

It is not the first time a VIP as been involved in an accident, few months ago DP Ruto’s convoy hit and killed a student in Muranga and also in July Borabu MP Ben Momanyi’s car was involved in an accident in Eldoret.

Eldoret East Police boss Nelson Taliti said investigations into the accident have been launched.

“We are investigating the incident which happened at about,” said Taliti.

Khalwale he he was very sad and sorry for what happened, he explained that the victim a lady suddenly walked onto the road giving his driver little time to react.

“The lady suddenly walked into the road at Nabkoi junction and my driver was unable to control the vehicle thus knocking her down, a very unfortunate and sad incident” said Khalwale.

Khalwale said he was on his way to Kitale to attend a political rally at the time of the accident.

“I will go back to the area to attend to the matter after the rally but the car has been detained and the driver was also being questioned,” said Khalwale.

He added that police detained his vehicle, a Toyota Prado VX, for inspection.
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