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Married curvaceous news ANCHOR now turned a PR0STITUTE


The grapevine has it that a sultry TV siren popular for her curvaceous looks has now resulted to prostitution. She is now sleeping with political big shots and Nairobi entrepreneurs for pay.

According to sources, the talented anchor who displays the image of being happily married has been having serious issues with her husband who had earlier on caught her cheating on him leading to a temporarily separation.
The anchor is now not ashamed of the practice which started as an innocent affair and now takes it as business. She says it is now well paying as politicians fight to bed her mainly due to her looks which leave her fans and viewers drooling.

+ comments + 2 comments

22 July 2013 at 15:26

Please stop this immorality u r doing harm to this proffession am also an upcoming journalist.Just soon I will be graduating with my degree in mass comm.lf the public is in the know about prostitution among respected prolific journalists they will lack confidence in the media industry

19 August 2015 at 00:07

...who is it...tell...😊.

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