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HOW Top Women Reacted to The “MOLLIS I SULLENDER” Sound clip that got everyone talking #MOLLIS


Caroline Gikunda>>>
And now to the audio clip “Mollis I sullender” doing rounds on social media, women must learn to say NO to bad sex (rape to be precise), and actually do something, about it. A woman just can’t lie there and scream in pain as guy pounds on her like Muthokoi, even if he is the hubby. One should tell him its nasty and painful, and actually get up, take a shower and dress up…then look him in the face and tell him sex is to be enjoyed not endured. We can’t victimise every situation. It makes being a woman sound like some form of disability which is not true!!
Kanana Kimathi @carol most men doesnt understand wat is lovemaking,they only know how to pound as u call it,sex must be enjoyed by both parties and both satisfied fully fully.
Winnie Majani
Please if you have my contacts don’t whatsap me that miserable noise of kushoka and satanic thrusts. Thank you. Oh, Mollis has united all tribes. No bile whatsover.
Charity>>> Morris is an animal, a beast- he must be brought to justice.
Shebesh>>> No comment, I want to hear from the victim first. Period!
Bright Amugune EXPLAINED that the girl in the sound clip who most likely comes from Meru or Nyeri was under MOLLIFICATION>>> here is what Mollification means:>>>
Mollification is the process that a girl undergoes when she goes jogging with an athletic man on steroids and other banned substances which illegally enhances physical body performances giving him an advantage over her.
You can tell a girl is getting mollified when her aah eeh iih ooh uuh ííh ùùh changes to aah aah aah aah aah amidist their unison tapping of their feet on the ground characterised by the sound of Paah!! Paah!! Paah!! Minutes later you are likely to hear deep chesty musculine heavy breathing which evidently and obviously tells you jogging isn’t for the weak.
Mollification also brings out the amount of power and energy one uses while pronouncing the letter R. When your energy levels go down , avoid mentioning any word with the letter instead, replace it with L which is easier to pronounce and lesser energy consuming. So young Ladies, preserve the energy to complete the race which evidently the man won’t let you pull out of by forcefully and strongly holding your hand.
Eat well before going jogging with such men and please don’t indulge yourself in alcohol consumption before undertaking such vigorous activity. Last but not least, I’m waiting to see which DJ will the first to use those lines in his newest mix tape…..Fullstop…
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