Last week was the start of school for most kids around the globe, and you know what that means; Lots of whining, and complaining about getting up early, homework, etc.
What most kids don't understand though, is that they have it easy. School is usually not more than 20 minutes away, and they get to take a bus there. In many parts of the world that's not the case.
Kids literally risk their lives getting to and from school everyday. After you see these 10 places, you'll be grateful.
Gulu, China - The children here have a 5 hour long hike into the mountains to get to school. |
Pili, China - These kids have a dangerous 125-mile journey through the mountains before they reach their boarding school. |
Somewhere in India - This tree root bridge serves as the passageway for kids heading to school. |
Zanskar, Indian Himalayas - Just hiking to school through the Himalayas. No big deal |
Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China - The kids here have to climb up huge, rickety ladders to get to school. |
Above The Rio Negro River, Colombia - Kids zip line across the river to get to school. |
Pangururan, Indonesia - This old looking wooden boat is the way these kids get to school. |
Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, China - The only way to school here is over this nearly broken bridge. The snow probably doesn't make the journey any easier. |
Sumatra, Indonesia - Walking a tightrope suspended 30 feet above a raging river