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A press photographer was covering the KCB Safari rally in Migaa estate, Kiambu, on Saturday when he was somewhat distracted from capturing images of high performance cars by the sight of curvaceous cop Corporal Linda Okello in a very tight fitting, tailor-made skirt, a photograph that then appeared in the Sunday Nation. Corporal Okello has since been ordered to make a statement and explain her attire!

The photograph of Linda Okello’s, let’s be honest, tight butt, has since gone viral and is today featured on the front page of The Star newspaper.

A quick review of social media sites revealed another photograph of Linda Okello in civilian attire, and there’s no doubt she looks even sexier out of uniform!


One social media group has now started a campaign called “Kenyan for Linda Okello”.

Corporal Okello now awaits the decision of her superiors as to any disciplinary action they may take against her and has been forced to now dress in regulation baggy police uniform issue trousers.

James Mugera, the Kiambu county police commander, is quoted as saying that police officers must dress “morally” when
Ms Okello in civilian attire…

on duty so that they don’t receive unnecessary attention.

The Kenya Forum accepts that some dress codes for public officials have to be enforced but did the lovely Corporal Linda Okello have to record a statement and face sanction by her bosses when a quiet word would have sufficed? Surely our police service has something better to do when there are so many “fines” to be collected!
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