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Artcaffe Ownership Issues Apology to Customer’s Sister, Denies Bias and Racism Claims


The management of the Artcaffe at Village Market today issued an apology to Koki Mutua, who went to social yesterday complaining that her brother was racially discriminated upon by the owner of the pastry shop.

Koki yesterday took her story to Twitter complaining the Artcaffe owner refused to sell 8 croissants, instead telling him as a black man he could not buy that many croissants. The story went viral with many Kenyans vowing to boycott the business (READ: Owner of an Artcaffe in Nairobi Accused of Racism).

In the apology, Artcaffe ownership calls the incident a misunderstanding, saying it [Artcaffe] could not handle such a "larger" order as their pastries are pre-baked. The ownership also denied any claims of racism or bias, saying the business treats all customers the same.

Here is the apology issued to Koki:

"Hello Koki Mutua, sorry for your brothers experience at our Village branch. we do not have preferential treatment to anyone, and we are sorry if your brother felt this way. Our bakery simply could not handle his larger order, because we pre-bake the amounts for each day, but arrangements were made and his order was provided. The requirement to order in advance with our bakery is a policy we maintain with all our customers. We would be happy to meet with you both to speak over this issue in detail. Please contact us at Please know that you are a highly valued customer. Again, our apologies for the misunderstanding."

Koki was however not satisfied with the explanation and demanded to know the following from the management:
a) Is there a notice at the counter instructing clients to pre-order more than 8 croissants?
b) As a big as the backery is, why does one have to pre-order 8 croissants?
c) What does being BLACK have to do with croissant orders?

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