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Political Scientist Mutahi Ngunyi Suggests CORD May Have a Hand in Mutula Kilonzo's Death


Renowned Political Scientist Mutahi Ngunyi has broken his long silence by saying Coalition for Reform and Democracy (CORD) leaders may have a hand in the death of Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo.

On his twitter account on Sunday, the brilliant political analyst known for his much acclaimed hypothesis dubbed Tyranny of Numbers, said an aborted revolution (meaning CORD) has a way of “eating” its own children. Mutahi cited an example of “the 2007 ODM revolution” that lost two ODM lieutenants immediately after losing the Presidential Election.

Here is one of his tweets:
Mutahi Ngunyi# An aborted revolution has a way of eating its own children. Two ODM MPs died immediately after the 2007 election. What ate Mutula and why?

In year 2007, late Embakasi MP Mellitus Were and late Ainamoi MP David Kimutai Too died immediately after ODM lost the 2007-08 revolution. The two were among the main pillars of ODM. Many Kenyans claimed the two were offered as a “sacrificial lambs”.

- The Kenyan Daily Post

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