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Nairobi Governor-Elect Kidero offers his opponent, Waititu a job


Nairobi governor-elect Evans Kidero has offered former Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu a job as he promised to hit the ground running once he assumes office following his inauguration on March 20 this year.

Speaking to reporters in his first briefing after clinching the seat of the Kenyan capital, Kidero underscored the need for everyone including his opponents to be united if success is to be achieved in developing the city.

While extending an olive branch to all his opponents, he stated that the doors to friendship and cooperation were still open and indicated that this will be more productive.

“A few days ago I met my friend Ferdinand Waititu where he promised me that if I did not make it he will give me a job and if he did not make it, I will accommodate him. That offer is still open and to all the others too,” he said.

Kidero was declared the winner of the Nairobi County gubernatorial race after garnering a total of 692,483 votes.

Immediate former Embakasi MP Ferdinand Waititu of TNA came second with 617,839 votes, followed by Alliance Party of Kenya’s (APK) Jimnah Mbaru with 52,084 votes and Philip Kisia of Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) with 5,182 votes.

He pointed out that his first 100 days in office will be focused on cleaning up the city and putting it in order.

He stated that apart from carrying out an audit of all available resources, he will also strive to unite Nairobi residents by discouraging tribalism.

“In the first 100 days we will concentrate in making Nairobi clean and introducing order because no country ever developed without order. We will ensure that there is order in the city and Nairobi is clean,” he explained.

“As far as I am aware, Nairobi City Council does not have an asset register so one of the first things that we will do is to take note or audit as to what is available and what is not there,” he stated.

He emphasised that he will enhance revenue collection by automating the available systems.

“When you automate your system then you optimise your collections. I am aware that the enterprise resource system does not work and this is what manages the financial system so one of the first things that we will do is to ensure that we automate the revenue collection systems,” he said.

He stated that during his tenure as a governor, he will also address the triple questions of jobs, crime and security as his priority.

He stated that his office will employ a wholesome strategy to deal with insecurity in all its manifestations.

“Arresting and prosecuting offenders never provides a permanent solution to insecurity and crime. It is a combined strategy of dealing with the root causes of insecurity and crime coupled with the provision of adequate deterrence that will provide a long-term and effective solution to these vices,” he said.

He stated that he will also streamline the business enabling environment by simplifying licensing procedures, providing incentives to new investors, offering job-creation linked tax-breaks, improving infrastructure, supporting innovative start-ups and working in tandem with vision 2030 Medium Term Programme.

He observed that these are some of the raft of measures that will help Nairobi become a job creation centre for the country.

- Capital FM News

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