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Nairobi Governor-elect Evans Kidero says defaulters Owe Nairobi City Hall Sh100 Billion


Nairobi Governor-elect Evans Kidero has disclosed that City Hall is owed Sh100 billion in revenue arrears spanning over ten years.?

Dr Kidero has consequently appealed to residents who owe City Hall money to commence payment to enhance service delivery.

“I have been to City Hall close to one week now and it’s unfortunate that city residents expect quality service delivery yet revenue collection is at only 40 per cent,” he argued.

Kidero noted that since 2003, City Hall has been running on a deficit owing to the huge debt.

“This revelation comes after holding several meetings with departmental heads giving presentations on the revenue, working systems and structures of City Hall,” said the Governor-elect, who spoke at Sarang’ombe Ward in Kibera.

Kidero said he has inherited ‘a collapsed system,’ which needs to be revamped to deliver 24-hour service to Nairobi residents.

Rent arrears

He singled out rental houses, formerly owned by the city council, whose occupiers he said owe City Hall Sh100 million in rent arrears.

Kidero promised to restructure the entire system for efficient service delivery. “The county government will pursue monies owed to City Hall through the laid down procedures that will require total co-operation,” he maintained.

He also said he would start rolling out his pledges on job creation in the next six months and installing a modern security system to curb insecurity in the city.

He promised to introduce a modern solid waste management system as well as ensure that the sewerage system functions properly.

He promised to get down to business of restoring order within the city and embarking on plans to have Nairobi become a World Class City.

Meanwhile, Taita-Taveta Governor-elect John Mtuta Mruttu has warned the business community against engaging in underhand dealings.

Mr Mruttu challenged the traders to pay taxes to enable the county to deliver services.

“Business needs to have a social conscience. Ethical practices must accompany the conduct of your affairs and honest is a virtue that everybodymust uphold at all times,” Mrutu said.

The governo-elect, who met with the traders at a hotel in Mwatate town yesterday, said his administration will not tolerate tax evation.

“Corruption is a cancer that hurts our social fabric in the long term and must be eschewed by all and sundry,” he said.

“My government will not interfere with business but shall create a business-friendly regulatory framework to encourage business start-ups and free enterprise,” he added.

Mrutu, the immediate former Kenya Oil Refineries Limited, promised to work closely with the business community.

“It is my desire to work closely with the businessmen in the quest to deliver my campaign pledges which are hinged on improving the business climate for wealth andemployment creation. We have to maximise the potential of our vast arable land to transform our county from being that of food deficit to surplus. We should also invest heavily in education and health services,” he noted.

Abundant resources

He at the same time the county government would harness the abundant natural resources in the region for the benefit of the local people.

Mrutu said the region has resources like minerals, wildlife and water bodies which have not been fully exploited.

“Local leaders will pull their efforts together to enable residents reap maximum benefits from tourism, ranching among other agricultural farming activities,” he said.

The businessmen, led by the chairman Chamber of Commerce and Industry Pascal Mtula, cited the poor state of roads and insecurity as a major hindrance to investment.

“We need to improve our road network and security if meaningful investment and development is to be achieved in the region. The deplorable state of Voi-Mwatate-Taveta road is a hindrance to economic development,” he said.

The businessmen, at the same time, called on the elected leaders to revive the collapsed Voi-Taveta train services.

- The Standard

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