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RAILA ODINGA and UHURU KENYATTA'S campaign machinery


Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta are they two protagonists who are battling out for the presidency after President Mwai Kibaki exits on March 4th.

It is a fact that either Raila or Uhuru will become the fourth President of Kenya.

It is also evident that the two political rivals have mobilised billions of shillings to woo voters across the country so that one can clinch the top most coveted seat in the country.

RAILA AMOLLO ODINGA: Prime Minister Raila Odinga is making his third stab at the Presidency. The size of his campaign machinery reaches to a tune of billions. Raila Odinga campaign secretariat has hired four branded choppers and two fixed –wing aircraft to move candidates and key staff over the next one month. A total of 135 four wheel drive vehicles including land rovers, landcruisers, pickups, motorcycles and also ad-trucks have been hired.

Source of the money: Raila Odinga campaign machinery is being funded by Western nations including US and Britain.

UHURU MUIGAI KENYATTA: Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta is making his second stab at the Presidency. Uhuru’s campaign machinery also hits tens of billions of shillings. Uhuru has purchased six helicopters and four–ten seater planes to ferry staff from campaigns. 47 land lovers have also been released to county co-ordinators and hundreds of branded four wheel vehicles have been provided.

Uhuru has also hired 1450 road show vehicles, five for each of the 290 constituencies.

Source of the money: Uhuru, who is among the richest people in Kenya, is bankrolling Jubilee campaigns from own personal savings.

Source: The Kenyan DAILY POST

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