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With barely 49 days remaining to the March 4th general election, it is estimated that about Sh36 billion Kenya shillings will be  spent by six Presidential candidates in wooing the electorate. Here is a summary of the amounts each of the presidential candidates will spend on their campaigns.

1. Raila Amollo Odinga: Prime Minister Raila Odinga who is Coalition for Reform and Democracy (CORD) Presidential flag bearer leads up in the spending with Sh 13 billion in his pocket. The PM’s campaign money comes from Western countries who have heavily invested on his Presidency.

2. Uhuru Kenyatta:  According to credible reports, Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta will spend Sh 10 billion with the largest share coming from his personal fortunes. Uhuru’s money will be used in buying several four wheel drive vehicles, choppers among many other campaign requirements.

3. Musalia Mudavadi: The third Presidential candidate in election spending is Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi. Though many political analysts under estimate Mudavadi candidature, his campaign machinery hit several billions.Mudavadi’s personal wealth is believed to be enough to finance a decent campaign, and he is expected to spend not less than Sh 4 billion. Also, since Mudavadi is a “State House project”, his campaign machinery may be bigger than many think, courtesy of his State House connection.

4. Peter Kenneth: Peter Kenneth comes fourth in terms of campaign money. His personal wealth is believed to be in the region of hundreds of millions. He is one of the few individuals privileged to fly in their own helicopters. Romour has that he is being financed by his Germany friends to the tune of several billions.

5. Prof Ole Kiyiapi: Restore and Build Kenya (RBK) party leader James ole kiyiapi comes fifth. Kiyiapi revealed to journalists on Friday that he had line up Sh 500 million to traverse the country before the March 4th. Most of this he said was in form of pledges and it would be coming in as the campaign proceeds

 6. Martha Karua: The Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua comes 6th. With no known major international donors, Karua may have to contend with minor donors of just a few thousands, or use her savings to finance her candidacy. It would come as a surprise should her campaign cost more than Sh 100 million.


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