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Raila Agrees to Meet 'Fake' Cop


Prime Minister Raila Odinga now says he will meet alleged police impostor Joshua Waiganjo. Odinga who was speaking at a rally in Uhuru Park on Wednesday claimed that Waiganjo has asked to meet him.

Odinga said time had come to uncover the muck in the police force as part of ongoing police reforms.

“Waiganjo says he wants to meet me, and I will meet him so that I can know where the truth is. This is because there is rot in the police force, the truth has to be known, I want to clean the police force,” he told the highly charged crowd

He explained that his action was not tribal and that he simply wanted to ensure sanity in the police force.

The National Police Service Commission had earlier Wednesday told journalists that the report on Waiganjo’s activities in the force would be unveiled the following day.

Chairperson Johnston Kavuludi said the commission would also reveal the next course of action after receiving the probe findings.

“And we will call you (media) to be available at the time we will be receiving that report and what actions we will want to take. We did promise you that we will have the report by January 31 and I am assuring you that it will be ready,” he said.

Waiganjo’s case is already before court where he is accused of masquerading as a senior Police officer since October 2002 among other charges.

Former Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere denied recruiting Waiganjo when he appeared before a tribunal investigating him.

“Two weeks after I ordered for investigations into the Baragoi incident, I got a report indicating that two civilians accompanied the Rift Valley Provincial Security and Intelligence Committee,” Iteere said last Friday when he appeared before a team investigating Waiganjo.

“That’s the first time I came to learn of the name Waiganjo. To the best of my recollection, I was theperson who first raised that issue,” said Iteere denying having earlier received other reports,” he explained.

Three top cops including Rift Valley Provincial Police Chief John M’mbijiwe, Anti Stock Theft Commandant in Gilgil Michael Remi Ngugi and Njoro divisional police chief Peter Njeru Nthiga have already been suspended following the saga that grabbed the nation’s attention.

President Mwai Kibaki ordered investigations into Waiganjo’s activities when the saga first surfaced.

He directed the Inspector General and Police Service Commission to immediately commence the probe saying the security of the country should not be compromised.

President Kibaki’s directive came a few hours after Rift Valley police chief John M’mbijiwe admitted that Waiganjo was a police reservist with rank of assistant commissioner of police.

Head of Civil Service Francis Kimemia who communicated the president’s directive said the team will probe the circumstances under which Waiganjo began impersonating a senior officer, how he was paid and the chain of command during the period. - Capital News

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