21 Things Every Nairobian has done at least Once
- Used the words “Me I”
- Pressed the Lift Button more than Once when in a Hurry
- Downloaded Pirated Music
- Exchanged words with a ‘Ma3’ conductor
- Spent at least 2 hours in the Jam
- Used Traffic Jam as an excuse for being late even when it isn’t
- Used a Cyber Café
- Got soaked wet in the Nairobi Rain.
- Felt the wrath of an unexpected Pothole
- Bought an item from ‘Mtumba’
- After buying the item from ‘Mtumba’, realized could have bought it for half the price elsewhere.
- Caught the Nairobi Flu
- Wished they could work in a different town
- Saved someone in their phone as ‘Don’t pick’
- Skipped Church on a Sunday
- Tried to ‘Tweng’
- Looked back when you heard, “Pssst Pssst!” on the street
- Passed in front of Hilton Hotel
- Encountered either ‘Kanjo’ or Traffic cops or ‘Ngeta’ guys or more than one of the above.
- Concocted an acronym to avoid typing the full word in an SMS.
- Went back up country and felt like everyone is ‘Shao’ except themselves.
credit: thesocialafrica.com