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I wish i had a way to explain the Jubilee dilemma. I am going to try my best.

Mudavadi's weakness is familiar to all Kenyans. To put it straight, Mudavadi is not a leader. He is a blind follower who can be sweet talked into anything.

This might sound harsh, but please allow me to explain. Let me ask you a question. Since joining politics, has Mudavadi ever made any discission by himself? Has he ever campaigned with his own plan? Tell me if i am missing something in my political observation.

If i am right by saying, the Mululu prince is not a man that can stand on his own feet, then you understand why the state house technocrats will want such a person to unseat president Kibaki.

If Mudavadi were to became president, he will be a ceremonial head of state. Uhuru and Ruto will be running the country with Kibaki and Moi calling shots from their respective nursing homes.

The truth is, mudavadi was a mole inside Jubilee coalition, planted by Kibaki and Moi, to make or break Jubilee.

Whatever happens in the coalition negotiations , he was assigned to bring the dead bones of KANU back to life. And at least move the sky to stop Raila from unseating president Kibaki. It's the mission, the evil agenda of state house technocrats. But nothing is going according to plan.Everything is falling apart.

This sounds like a joke to people like you and me, but to Kibaki and his insiders, its a scary thing...that the mululu prince is showing some muscle ..holding his ground and refusing to badge. He is acting like his own man..and that's surprising.

The state house theory was, kill the prophet and steal the prophecy or kill the messenger and steal the message. Unseat Uhuru in his TNA and become president. The plan did not work.

Please believe me when I say, it's a matter of hours and not days when that which is cooking inside Jubilee coalition will boil over and spill over into the streets, highways and byways . For one, i do not believe there is anything holding Uhuru and Ruto together accept the ICC case.

Mudavadi's entry into the coalition was a coverup for our international charged criminals to evade prosecution at the Hague. It was a bait for uhuruto to bite so as to save status quo. But pride and ego run high in both Uhuru and Ruto. Even though this is their primary objective, they will never honor it in public.

Uhuruto "blind followers" are now realizing that the Jubilee coalition is fake and the agenda for its formation was to serve the personal intersts of Uhuru and Ruto. Mudavadi on the other hand was a state house project ..

Its a matter of time before we will witness an implosion or a full blown explosion in jubilee coalition. This caterstrophic event will render most candidates in jubilee coalition jobless. This is an understatement, but factually true!

The current fighting within the Jubilee coalition is beyond containment, and to the best of my knowledge, i do not see Mudavadi making it through the nomination. It's a pity! But it's a reality we must all accept.

If i have anything good to say about President Kibaki, this is the moment.I must say, congratulations Mr. President for a well excuted plan....

A back door deal to kill and burry prophet Uhuru and his seers. A deal so dangerous that will end the carrier of Mudavadi and his surrogates. That's sneecky and smart for state house technocrates. Again, thank you Mr. President ..Moi taught you well! Good luck!

I believe by tomorrow we will start seeing catastrophic meltdown in Jubilee. Just watch and pray.

I doubt if Mudavadi will make it to the nomination. Kenyatta being Uhuru, he will not give up his position for a secret ballot election to mudavadi's consensus nomination .

He will fight to the end. He will fight both for his tribe and for his soul. Remember Bensouda is coming after him soon or later.

I doubt if Mudavadi can be accommodated in Jubilee again, Ruto being William,and a radical politician he is, no one dares touch him the wrong way nor does anyone try to push wrong buttons in his life, lest he explode like a bomb on your face. Ruto is known by those close to him as a fragile fire cracker. It does not take much for him to explode.

The effects of partyhopping are damning .The wings of delegates have been clipped.

Now partyhoppers must stay in a party where distrust rules, individual egos reign and power mongers are fighting. The way back is closed. They must continue moving forward even though Jubilee has reached its dead end.

Ngilu is the first casualty of the coalition. Many more will soon follow her in this jubilee grave yard. Ngilu is now a political corpse.

This is what happens when lust overrides love ..when ego overpowers reason and discontent muzzles natural satisfaction in whatever little blessings the divine provides.

As for jubilee coalition, Mudavadi is gone, Ngilu is done, Ruto is doomed, and Uhuru is destroyed...a nightmare for both Uhuru and act from Kibaki's playbook. A play screen carefully written by state house technocrats to bring the remains of KANU back to life. But to their surprise, KANU was too dead to come back to life.

An in trying to ressurect KANU, Jubilee fell into the grave and died.

It's this simple!

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