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President Uhuru Kenyatta Reveals more about His Relationship with IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba


President Uhuru Kenyatta has finally opened up about his relationship with Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ezra Chiloba.

Speaking in Kakamega on Saturday during a campaign tour, Mr Kenyatta stated that he does not know Mr Chiloba on a personal basis and has only met him once.

"Chiloba hata simjui...nimekutana na yeye mara moja (I don't know Chiloba, we have only met once)," he noted. Mr Kenyatta further noted that he does not know either of the IEBC commissioners personally yet he does not have any problem with their positions in the independent body.

He accused the National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga of always lamenting after every election and forcing all the previous commissioners out through mass protests. "Raila ameshindana na wengine mbele yangu na hawa wote amemalizia kusema aliibiwa kura (Raila has vied against others before me and he always complains of being rigged out')," he stated.

He also condemned the opposition leader for his constant attacks on the Chebukati-led team questioning whether he wants to be the President or the IEBC Chairperson. "Raila, do you want to be President or chairman of the IEBC." he posed.

On Friday, Mr Kenyatta defended the amendments to the electoral laws stating that the NASA leaders should stop opposing 'everything' ahead of the election. Regarding NASA's call for mass protests, Mr Kenyatta indicated that it was a scheme by the opposition to derail the electoral process and ultimately destabilize the country.

 NASA has vowed not to participate in the upcoming polls if IEBC does not act on its demands and if the Jubilee party does not withdraw the amendments to the election laws.
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