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REVEALED: How the Supreme Court Judges Played and Shocked Jubilee in the Presidential Petition Thanks to God fearing CJ Maraga.


While the country is still waiting for the comprehensive judgement from the Supreme Court, questions have been asked on how the court confidently delivered judgement against a sitting head of state.

According to those who were close to the Supreme Court judges, the decision to nullify the election of Uhuru as President for the second term was reached immediately after the second last day of hearing.

The fact that IEBC was non cooperative with the court (refused to obey court orders top give access to its servers) and key questions were not being answered by the respondents’ attorneys made three key judges decide to ensure that the re-election of Uhuru was nullified and a fresh election called.

Judges Mwilu and the CJ were convinces that the election as not free and fair while Judges Smoking Wanjala and Isaac Lenaola looked beyond the arguments in court, including the key constitutional provisions. It is reported that judge Lenaola is a strict adherent to the constitution. The fact that Jubilee had total confidence that he was on their side helped the state agents not be so much on his tail.

Obviously on the side of the government were judges Ojwang’ and Njoki Ndung’u. So much were they on the side of the government that sources within the corridors of the Supreme Court have whispered to KahawaTungu that Njoki Ndung’u ripped part of her official dress in anger immediately she exited the court after the delivery of the judgement.
SEE ALSO: We will impeach RAILA within 3 months in office after he wins the Presidency next month - UHURU says
But a lot of lobbying were put in place with Solicitor General Njee Muturi and the AG trying to convince the CJ to rule in favour of the government in various meetings at the Crowne Plaza hotel where the judges were holed while the Speaker worked hard to convince the Deputy CJ. The night lobbying were so intense that at one point, Interior CS Fred Matiangi together with lawyer Evans Monari drove to the CJ lobbying hard to have him rule in favour of Uhuru.

The CJ didn’t budge and even broke away from the team insisting that he was not going to spend even a single night at the hotel with the other judges.

Now it is rumoured within the Office of the President that Matiang’i will not retain the powerful interior Ministry portfolio after failing to deliver his fellow Kisii to the powers that be as he promised.

The CJ’s confidence was also boosted by a call from the Chief Justices of Nigeria, South Africa and Ghana. The three top African judges encouraged the Cj to uphold the dignity of the court and inspire others in Africa.

Reports have appeared elsewhere that huge sums of money were offered to the CJ. What we confidently know is that the push to have the CJ contained didn’t start in August. It started way back in June when the CJ applied for a loan at a local bank. His application was reportedly denied on flimsy grounds while he fully qualified for the loan. The denial was reportedly meant to make it easy for him to accept the offer given during the deliberations.

Knowing very well that he didn’t have the money, the CJ reportedly...Continue Reading in Page 2>>>

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