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Revealed How Jubilee’s Secret Plan to Arrest Raila After the Elections Failed


 tests Raila’s reactions in case any attempts were made to go for him. The elite unit from the Recce were being coordinated from the DCI’s Serious Crime Prevention Unit (SCPU). The head of SCPU personally coordinated the elite team while orders were given by DCI boss, Ndegwa Muhoro.

The squad was responsible for raiding NASA tallying centres and arresting key NASA officials who were loud enough to call for a free and fair election.

The quad also had unhindered access to the phone lines of targets with questions now being raised why Safaricom is giving police units access to lines without court orders.

It is widely suspected that the elite team formed is now being used for functions which can only be described as criminal.

After the elections, all Jubilee politicians were expressly instructed to go mute on answering NASA critics of the election process and IEBC while waiting for the results. After IEBC announced the results, senior government officials were well convinced that Raila was not planning to go to court, but instead was planning to incite unrests throughout the country to overturn the results. They also knew that Raila would indirectly go to court through the NASA friendly Non-Governmental organisations like AFRICOG, ICPC, KCHR and others.

Raila first almost fell into the Jubilee trap by speaking almost twice a day before the announcement of the results but after that, his hibernation and complete silence threw Jubilee schemers into disarray as he avoided speaking to any media outlet or commenting on the elections and announced results at all.

All key international media outlets quickly bought the portrayal of Raila as a violent, power hungry whiner who was too old and clinging on the country’s future. CNN, New York Times, The Guardian, SABC, Washington Post and other international media outlets quickly wrote off Raila, attacking his credentials and questioning his commitment to a peaceful Kenya.

Jubilee honchos needed not comment as Raila was frying on his own oil in the international platform. The negative editorials and news reports in the local and international media quickly energised Raila who called some of the most surprising figures including NASA allied bloggers, child-hood friends and advisers to gauge their thoughts on what he should do.

The consensus was, “please go to court. You have a slim chance of winning but going to court will and respecting the court’s decision will win you respect which is being snatched from you.”

Raila went to court. Jubilee didn’t even see a reason to attack the person of Supreme Court judges as they believed that they had a enough loyalty within the court. Jubilee even failed to see the crux of NASA’s submissions in court and instead, attacked the person of Raila and dismissed his petition as shallow and lacking in merit.

NASA’s almost underdog plight and desperate plea together with a call for the court to “redeem” itself worked like magic. The judges felt the plight of NASA and even the line of questioning from the judges showed that the petition was ringing deep.

NASA won and even the mighty NY Times had to apologise for writing scathing articles attacking NASA and Raila. With a master-stroke, Raila won back his dignity and the country’s Supreme Court is now one of the most respected throughout the world. Even the USA, UK, Nigeria thinks that they can learn a thing or two about election democracy.
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