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James Orengo Explains How NASA Will Block IEBC From Conducting Election...NO ELECTION IN 17TH OCTOBER!!!


Siaya Senator James Orengo has revealed how NASA will ensure that no elections take place on October 17th as scheduled by the IEBC.

Addressing NASA supporters in Siaya over the weekend, Orengo alluded to the fact that NASA may use its elected Governors to stop the election from taking place in their counties.

He noted that the Opposition was not planning to boycott the election but will block IEBC from conducting polls in the NASA controlled counties.

 "You know when we tell them there will be no elections they think we will boycott, we mean there will be no elections in this country. "If Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga and Turkana Governor Josephat Nanok say no, can we have elections in those counties?" Orengo was quoted by the Star.

 According to the alleged NASA plan, Senator Orengo and other Opposition leaders will also ensure that no election is held in Nairobi County. On Sunday, Opposition Leader Raila Odinga noted that IEBC as currently constituted could not conduct a free and fair election and as such NASA had launched a campaign against the Commission and its Senior officials.

 "Today, we launch our campaign against any elections held by IEBC as currently constituted. We shall go around the country sensitizing about our case against the Commission. "We shall sensitize our people about the reforms that must take place before they can be called for another election," Odinga stated.

The NASA Presidential candidate submitted that the Opposition was working to ensure that no other "sham election" prevails in the country adding that IEBC cannot reform if its leaders are against the said reforms.

Mr Odinga noted that based on the above argument, all officers who facilitated the canceled election must get out of the way before the new election. "We are the people who will end electoral fraud in Africa.

We will be the team that will uproot the evil of sham elections with a pre-determined outcome. That is our focus in October and beyond, not another sham election. "Kenyans are coming for you. Salvage what you can and run. There will be no election with you in office," he noted.
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