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IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba has been Hijacked, he's Stressed and Wants To Exit IEBC


The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) CEO Ezra Chiloba is a man under siege. He has not known peace since the historic ruling by the Supreme Court annulling the August 8 presidential polls.

Being at the centre of the IEBC operations, Chiloba was expected to do the honorable thing and resign-atleast in mature democracies he would have paved way for another team to take over.

The plot thickened when an internal memo from IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati, directed to Chiloba, leaked to the public with damning allegations. The IEBC chairman, among other things, wanted an explanation why his password had been used multiple times to access the results transmission system without his knowledge.

Five commissioners, Vice Chairperson Consolata Nkatha, Prof Yakub Guliye, Paul Kurgat, Boya Molu and Magret Mwachanya, dismissed the memo by the Chairman saying it based on falsehoods. It read in part:

“A quick perusal of the memo shows that the allegations are based on some report or information that has not been brought to the attention of the Commission. Most of the issues raised are not factual and could easily mislead if taken out of context. However, the Secretariat is reviewing the issues and will prepare appropriate responses to be presented to the Commission Plenary.”

How the two resolved their differences and vowed to bury the hatchet after a meeting in Naivasha is a matter of conjecture.

What is however emerging is that some powerful individuals in the Jubilee administration are pushing for the continued stay of the CEO at the electoral body. Chebukati had unveiled a project team to take over from the secretariat but shelved the idea after some of the commissioners protested.

During an interview aired on NTV yesterday, Chiloba looked worn out and did not exude the confidence that was evident during the electioneering period.

The deputy president William Ruto, for example, has made it clear that they prefer the current secretariat to run the fresh elections slated for October 17. Ruto insisted the election must take place on the stated date by the IEBC.
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