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SHOCKING CONFESSION: ALEX MUTUKU, 28-year-old Hacker who STOLE KSh 4Billion from KRA REVEALS SAD details that will SHOCK Kenyans.


a trip of East and Southern Africa and one international trip.

I buy my international ticket and embark on the East African trip. From city to city. On bus. No flying- too expensive – and I document everything on my FB timeline. By the time, I get to Tanzani, I’ve spent KSh 73,000, already broke and the deadline to register as a voter is quickly approaching. I decided to come back.

Now, it has all been twisted as ‘living large’. Wow. But I understand people have to make a living- in this case selling more copies. By March I have ticked two resolutions for this year. I get back, I’m arrested. Why? KRA has lost 4B. Not a million but billion. 

ALSO SEE; OFFICE S£X MAID: I Have Become an Office PROSTITUTE To My Co-Worker....37yrs Old Lady Narrates her SAD STORY!!! SEE HERE

When they told me that, I laughed. I laugh even now. I’m not stupid. Clearly, I’m the patsy. Those big cajunas at KRA looted the cash and then in a smoke-filled room, smoking their cubans – forgive my imagination, it probably was an office- decided this.

“Oh, this Alex boy just went on a trip and stupidly plastered it all over FB. What’s more, he has a similar case. Perfect! Go get him.” Anyone with half a brain can figure that out. KSh 4 billion doesn’t just disappear like that without anyone noticing- for years. Even slowly. Here are the facts:

1. I DO NOT have KSh 4 billion, or any part of KSh 4 billion. In fact, my life’s savings are
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