The strip clubs craze has taken Kenya by storm. In Nairobi for instance which is the capita of Kenya, clubs open up to the pole-dancing strip dance entertainment, the local showbiz scene is getting heated once again as male patrons start burning their passions in clubs over the semi nude dancers, some of whom are willing to give more in this tiny and popular Nairobi down market club.
ALSO SEE: TOP 10 POLITICIANS who have been alleged to be having MISTRESSES(MPANGO WA KANDO) and FAILED MARRIAGES. Some DUMPED their lovely WIVES after getting RICH and FAMOUS?? Number 4 and 6 will SHOCK YOU!. SEE HEREA p0rn0graphy video plays on the 40-inch plasma screen as six strippers prepare to pounce. This is not your ordinary entertainment. And what you are about to experience is not meant for the faint hearted. Sexy ladies spanks the pole and whips her long hair as she slides down, her head facing down as she gyrates ingeniously. Another one is also head fast on a table, her legs...continue reading+ PHOTOS NEXT PAGE
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