Luo Woman: Knows how to cook food
Kikuyu Woman: Knows how to cook stories
Luo Woman: Doesn’t watch her weight. She is atleast 20 kilograms overweight (can cause an earthquake)
Kikuyu Woman: Watches her weight too much. She is at least 20 kilograms underweight. (can be carried by wind)
Luo Woman: Her aim is to build a stable family
Kikuyu Woman: Her aim is to build a stable career at whatever cost
Luo Woman: Won’t shut up when she is angry
Kikuyu Woman: Won’t talk when she is angry
Luo Woman: Pretends to be a p0'rn star in bed
Kikuyu Woman: Pretends to be a v1rg1n in bed and lets the man do all the work
Luo Woman: Dresses ordinarily even though she has money
Kikuyu Woman: Dresses flashy even though she has no money
Luo Woman: She is submissive to the man she loves
Kikuyu Woman: She is a feminist who believes she should be equal to her partner
Luo Woman: Sleeps with a guy who seduces her well
Kikuyu Woman: Sleeps with a guy who can either make her richer or make her life in some way
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