It is every woman’s dream to have a big white wedding. To arrive in church in a helicopter no less, to be walked down the aisle by her father as a mighty, crisp white bridal train trails behind.
To impress friend and foe, to show off your sartorial splendour in an imported gown. To have an invite-only intimate ceremony in an absurdly expensive golf resort.
Not me. I don’t believe in the big white wedding claptrap. Call me a man, a cheapskate or frugal, but I think expensive weddings are just a load of tedious nonsense. I am a simple ceremony kind of girl.
We could go to the Attorney General’s office for a civil wedding for all I care. I just don’t care for the limos, the imported wedding gowns and the outside catering.
We could hire a tent and a faulty PA system and have the wedding in the man’s shagz. Have his aunties’ cook that delicious gichagi “mashed” rice and boiled stew with carrots and potatoes.
Flashy, big white weddings are for broke people. Those who have a point to prove to their friends and rivals what a big wedding they can put together. Big white weddings, the much publicised and much tweeted about weddings are usually for broke attention seekers, who want to make a statement to their childhood friends whom they grew up with in the village.
Flashy, big white weddings are for broke people. Those who have a point to prove to their friends and rivals what a big wedding they can put together. Big white weddings, the much publicised and much tweeted about weddings are usually for broke attention seekers, who want to make a statement to their childhood friends whom they grew up with in the village.