Chicks flake on you
If you are a young unmarried guy living in Rongai, you’ll really have a hard time getting chicks to come to your place coz of the distance. You’ll always get excuses like “Aki mum amenituma mahali. Sitamek kukam leo”. No wonder Rongai peeps suffer the most dr'y spe'lls. Most times they are forced to zero graze on the chics in their area, thus creating too much competition
Your friends rarely visit you too
Then you end up being a lonely fella who wants to commit suicide. Be strong
Shit is expensive
Basic commodities are expensive in Rongai. Try buying n apple in Rongai – and you’ll end up convincing yourself that fruits are not important. And there’s a long list of items in Rongai that are priced higher by at least 12% than in most places in Nairobi. What a shame
Insecurity in some areas
Especially that place called Kware. You can’t stay for two weeks without getting robbed