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Someone asked me yesterday how I want to prove that “those activities are censored and powered by the Holy Spirit”. Let me ask a question in response: Have you ever given any thought to what happens during actual s3'xual int3rc0urse? A man and a woman p@nting, sweating and heaving like two idiots. All those cool looking dudes in suits (yes; that includes me) don’t look so cool when b@nging their women and look like gr0tesque dem0ns when having an 0rg@sm. What seems Holy Ghost approved and powered about a hormone-raging man r@mming a stiff r0d into a woman again and again and having her m0an like an animal? And as for the women, all those prim and proper women we see in public often look like dem0n-p0ssess3d pagan priestesses during int3rc0urse.

Seriously, apart from the “Jesus!! Jesus!!” that some of the women cry out when in the thr0es of a good r0mp or an 0rg@sm, there cannot be anything about s3'x that looks like the Holy Ghost gives approval to the activity. Yet, He does. Case closed. The issue of Holy Ghost approval and all that is in the mind. The Bible that Christians claim to uphold does not make an issue of these things or of m@stu'rbation.

I am tired of Christians being so close-minded that they manufacture rules to help God. First, God doesn’t need your help. Second, take a look around you and ask yourself if this close-mindedness has helped your homes. S3'xually dissatisfied husbands and wives everywhere, many of whom will not speak out though their marriages are in shambles. And many of them stubbornly refusing to look at facts when presented to them. Their call still.

M@stu'rbation Is Addictive
Yes; it is. But then, so are mobile phones, food, chocolate, wine, Coke, Twitter, Facebook and football. Yet, no-one is screaming “Sin!!!” for all those. Oh, even s3'xual int3rc0urse itself is addictive. Let’s just lay aside all those things because they are addictive; shall we? No; how to deal with anything that has the potential for being addictive is not to stay away from it, but to exercise in moderation.

M@stu'rbation Is Not A Dirty Habit 
Some people call m@stu'rbation a dirty habit. In what sense? It produces mostly the same results as s3'xual int3rc0urse – the man ej@cul@tes. The woman has an 0rg@sm and in some cases sq'uirts. What else? M@stu'rbation is just as dirty as s3'xual int3rc0urse is, as far as I can tell.

Mastu'rbation Is Healthy
In general, the medical community considers m@st'ur'bation to be a natural and harmless expression of s3'xuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person’s lifetime as a part of normal s3'xual behavior.
If you use other objects apart from your hands, be careful though so you don’t hurt yourself. Perhaps you should visit a s3'x shop for some t0ys instead. 
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