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Their so-called Reality show has taken the nation by storm... Those antics are not even the standard antics you expect from the sl3aziest Real Housewives of Atlanta episode. In a bid to stand out and carve a niche for themselves,the girls of Nairobi Diaries have gone all out and won't leave no stone unturned.

It may be one of the most panned Kenyan shows ever but still,K24 won't stop showing it. And the girls won't stop basking in the infamy and unleashing even more outrageous tricks. It's survival for the fittest... While the fittest is.

It's blood and action and reality and war and sleaze and drama and obscenity all rolled into one big dirty sack called Nairobi Diaries.

It's hunting season... And the predators are on the prowl.

But who are these girls? What do they represent? What's their strengths and weaknesses? Why are they who they are? And why have they caused so huge a ruckus online?

Here,we undr3ssed them and their on-air characters. One by one. Girl by girl....

1.Vera Sidika aka Miss Vee

She's the most famous,exciting, sober and gorgeous of all of these tr@mps. Her fame and gorgeousness is something the Nation agreed upon years ago. She comes off as smart and less dramatic. She's cool and collected. She seems to understand the rigors of a Reality Show much better than all of the rest. She seems intent on expanding HER brand and fortifying her empire as opposed to just going with the flow and playing by the already horrible script. Her lack of much airtime also is a smart move as she knows that too much exposure may have a two-pronged effect and probably not work in her favor. Her lack of too much presence on the show also gives us the illusion that she's a busy woman and wasn't very available for the shoots. She also lives up to the imaginations we have of her. Dresses the part quite well and,in all of her speeches,sounds super smart and witty. Her accent doesn't seem concocted too. Her earlier dark skim seems eerie too. And quite honestly,she actually looks very ugly. Thank God you bleached,bitch. Looks like she was cut for Reality TV. And has the goods-physical and mental-to prove it.

2. Gertrude Murunga

Horrible horrible waste of time. For starters,she's an ugly fat woman with an ugly personality,ugly accent,ugly grammar,ugly clothes,ugly mentality,ugly outlook on life,ugly camera look,ugly temper,ugly laughter,ugly acting skills,ugly lies and an even uglier fashion sense. Nothing about her screams 'Reality Star'. How she even ended up on the show,pathetic as it is,is a marvel. Nothing about her is attractive. Nothing about her makes you want to watch her. It makes you miss her. Every little episode she's in is an eyesore. Her voice itself is so tired and screechy you want to insure your precious ears. Her acting skills have the effectiveness of a poisoned squirrel. She dresses like a boutique shop employee in Buru Buru. And the fact that she thinks she's the shit is so annoying you want to shoot her. Her knack for causing drama,too,is boring and downright predictable. Her drama moments are themselves not even prompted by anything. She seems to relish on stupidity and will curse you and rough you up for the flimsiest of reasons. Nothing about her says 'Class'. And it's a surprise she went through USIU and still didn't shed all that shadiness and dirty personality. One of the show's WORST cast members. Very unmemorable.

3. Sylvia Njoki

The most cultured,classy and calm person in the whole show. Also,one cast member we are all wondering, 'What is she doing on that show?'. Sylvia is not like 98% of these girls. Unlike them and their trashy loud mouths,she actually has a life. She's an acclaimed fashion blogger,was a newspaper columnist by the time the first episode was being shot,she's a mother and a very genuinely beautiful young woman with dreams and a passion and drive. How such a polished woman ended up on the same show with,say,Pendo, still baffles me. But this was shot some 3 years ago. She probably needed the exposure and the cheque. She was probably a little less brilliant and was as hungry for publicity as some of these girls STILL are. But she's outgrown all of this fanfare. She's the most level-headed girl in the show. And she managed to even out and balance the situations with her unpretentious attitude and genuine character. Not a bad one to watch. But she can be supremely boring. And that's not a good Reality TV characteristic.

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