5. Mama mboga
The biggest advantage of wifing a mama mboga is the obvious fact that there’ll always be food on your table no matter how broke you are. You wont be getting those anger-laden calls of ‘Baba Johnny mbona hukuacha pesa ya nyanya na sukuma?’. Your wife will always steal two or three leaves out of her spinach bunch and cook.
6. Self employed women
Such women either posses crisp business acumen or they had a hardship in life that turned them into survivors. They found their way out and they’re finally creating a life for themselves. They’ve had to fight hard for everything they’ve had in life and because of that they’re independent and expect nothing but true equality in a relationship. They don’t need a man, or anyone else, taking care of them, but when they’re in a relationship they really give it their all.
7. M-PESA attendant
She is really really faithful. She writes down so many phone numbers of men yet she never calls any of them. An m-pesa attendant can beat any temptation.
8. Chef/cook
If her job is cooking, wife her my brother. Whether she cooks at a kibanda or at Sarova Stanley doesn’t matter. Just wife her. A good meal satisfies a man’s soul. Not to forget that we are currently in a society where girls are experts at lighting up shisha pots but fumblers at lighting up jikos.
Having a wife who is excellent at preparing meals also helps you gain societal respect. When visitors come to your house, they leave with endless words of praise upon mouth, thus creating a good name for your family.
9. Accountant
They say when you decide to marry, then let your bride be a woman who’ll shield you from the sharp sword of brokeness and poverty. An accountant is used monitoring every single penny that foes in and comes out. The books must balance both at work and in the family
10. Model
A beautiful wife is a man’s most priced possession. Other men will respect you and hold you in high regard. Models don’t eat much too so your food budget will not be that high
Good luck