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After the claim that men who have had more than 20 p@rtners cut the risk of pr0state cancer, here are 10 other ways that s3'x is great for your health

The news will have put a spring in the step of red blooded males everywhere – regular s3'x can reduce the risk of pr0state cancer.

Scientists at the University of Montreal revealed that men who had sl3pt with at least 20 women during their lives were 28% less likely to develop the disease.

Meanwhile men who were v1rg1ns were almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with the cancer.

But that’s not all. It turns out that jumping between the sheets can have a host of other health benefits for men AND women.

1. As a cold cure
There may be no cure but the best way to protect yourself from a cold is to have s3'x at least twice a week, according to researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania.

A study published in 1999 found regular s3'x could boost levels of immunoglobulin in the blood by 20%. The antibody destroys bacteria and protects against colds and flu. Plus it’s far more fun than a flu jab.

2. Easing stress

S3'x is the ultimate stress buster and a study in the journal Biological Psychology found that l0vers who had had s3'x the night before reacted better to stressful situations.

That is because the pleasure of another person’s touch, kissing and cuddling, lowers levels of the stress hormone c0rtisol and boosts the body’s happy hormones such as oxyt0cin. It also means s3'x can help to combat depression.

3. As a painkiller
Next time your other half tells you they have a headache, you can inform them that s3'x is actually an excellent painkiller.

Research published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine found that an 0rg@sm could halve the body’s sensitivity to pain, including back pain, migraines and arthritis. S3'x raises the level of endorphins, the body’s own painkillers, by a third in minutes, making it far quicker than popping pills.

4. For looking young
The secret to looking younger could lie in the bedroom not the Botox, say scientists at the Royal Edinburgh University. They found couples who have s3'x at least four times a week look 10 times younger.

That is because the pleasure releases healthy hormones such as adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine that help to preserve skin cells and relax muscles to prevent wrinkles.

And the good news for couples is that “loving interc0'urse” with a regular partner is better than pr0miscu0us s3'x.

5. Preventing heart attacks and strokes
Men who make l0ve to their partner at least twice a week are 45% less likely to develop a life threatening heart condition.

Regular s3'x can help to lower blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of common killers such as heart attacks and strokes.

Scientists at the New England Research Institute in Massachusetts studied the s3'x lives of more than 1,000 men and were so impressed by the results they urged doctors to screen men for s3'xual activity.

The term “horizontal jogging” may actually be apt as s3'x is an excellent way to burn off extra calories.

Doctors at the University of Montreal found that a 24-minute session in the sack can burn 104 calories for men and 67 calories for women. That means s3'x is a more effective form of exercise than walking. But be warned, a six minute “quickie” burns just 20 calories, so don’t skip the f0replay.

7. Preventing br3ast cancer
As well as pr0state cancer, an active l0ve life can also guard against br3ast cancer in both men and women. A Greek study published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2000 found that men who had fewer than six 0rgasms a month were at significantly higher risk of developing the disease.

Meanwhile a study of French women published in 1989 found those without a s3'xual partner, or who had s3'x less than once a month, were at higher risk of being diagnosed with it.

8. For stronger bones

S3'x can help men top up their levels of testosterone and women to maintain their levels of oestrogen. But these are not just s3'x hormones.

They can also help to stop bone density deteriorating with age, reducing the risk of diseases like the brittle bone disorder osteoporosis.

9. Helping you sleep
Forget counting sheep, say scientists at the French medical research council Inserm.

Their study published in 2012 found the body released relaxing chemicals such as serotonin after 0rg@sm, helping maintain healthy sleep patterns. They also found men were more likely to feel sleepy after s3'x – which means they do have an excuse for nodding off instead of wanting to cuddle or chat.

10. Easing endometriosis

S3'x during m3nstruati0n can help combat endometriosis, a condition that can affect f3rtility, according to researchers at Yale University.

It also acts as a good workout for a woman’s pelvic floor muscles as they contract during 0rg@sm, helping reduce the risk of incontinence.
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