Speculation is rife that award-winning journalist Mohammed Ali of Jicho Pevu fame could be eyeing an elective post in the coast region in the next general election.
The rumours were stoked last week by a tweet from political activist Boniface Mwangi who vowed to vote for the journalist in the 2017 general election.
Mr Mwangi, himself also rumoured to be eyeing a parliamentary seat in Nairobi, tweeted: “@MateHabiby: The past is always tense, the future perfect….2017 Cc @MohaJichoPevu “<~You both have my vote. #Ukweli”
Already, a Facebookpage “FRIENDS OF MOHA@jichopevu 2017” has been opened where the discussion about his possible candidature is gaining momentum.
On the page, Mwalimum Mwanyumba writes: “For those who truelly believe in transperance and accountability in leadership be prepared for new kid on the block 2017 here we come inshaAllah (sic).”
Sources close to the journalist say he is eyeing Nyali parliamentary seat on an ODM –or Cord- ticket.
The seat is currently held by Hezron Awiti of ODM.
Two weeks ago, the celebrated journalist, who has rattled the governments of the day with his explosive investigative pieces, was seen hobnobbing with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga at his office.
Sources now say he may have been given “blessings” to vie for the seat.
“Alikua na ‘baba’ 2 weeks ago akipewa Baraka I think,” added the source.
Moha, as he is called by close friends, has already started dishing out reflector jackets to boda boda operators within the constituency, our source added.
“Alinishow anaifanya kichini chini but he has people on the ground tayari,” said our source.
Moha, though, is likely to face stiff competition from the incumbent and other aspirants.
“Kuna competition ya juu and at some point it may turn ugly. Kutoa Awiti ni ngumu,” cautioned our source.
“Then kuna cousin ya Joho anaitwa Saidoo, yuko Kwa race. There’s also bayusuf son. Kuna one of KCC director anaitwa Yassir yuko kwa race pia.”
- Nairobi News